Summer offer -High throughput qPCR on the OpenArray® platform
During the summer* you can get your samples analyzed with the OpenArray® pre-designed pathway panels at campaign price, making your gene expression profiling even more cost efficient!
Get more data faster
TATAA Biocenter is a proud partner of Applied Biosystems TaqMan® Service Provider Program, and offers exceptionally cost efficient high-throughput analysis services on the Life Technologie’s QuantStudio™ 12K Flex OpenArray® Platform. The OpenArray® plates consist of 3072 through-holes that can be loaded with reagents to perform individual 33 nl qPCR reactions, enabling high throughput analysis using less reagents and samples than conventional qPCR.
OpenArray® Panels
- Human Cancer Panel (648 TaqMan® assays)
Price example: 27 289 SEK/ 16 samples (2,63 SEK/ rxn)
- Human Kinome Panel (828 TaqMan® assays)
Price example: 27 289 SEK/ 12 samples (2,75 SEK/ rxn)
- Human Stem Cell Panel (631 TaqMan® assays)
Price example: 27 289SEK/ 16 samples (2,70 SEK/ rxn)
- Human Inflammation Panel (607 TaqMan® assays)
Price example: 27 289SEK/ 16 samples (2,81 SEK/ rxn)
- Human Signal Transduction Panel (597 TaqMan® assays)
Price example: 27 289 SEK/ 16 samples (2,86 SEK/ rxn)
- Mouse Inflammation Panel (648 TaqMan® assays)
Price example: 27 289 SEK/ 16 samples (2,63 SEK/ rxn)
- Genotyping Barcode Panel 64
Price example: 30 289 SEK/ 192 samples (2,46 SEK/ rxn)
- Genotyping Barcode Panel 32A
Price example: 27 799 SEK/ 380 samples (2,29 SEK/ rxn)
- Genotyping Barcode Panel 32B
Price example: 27 799 SEK/ 380 samples (2,29 SEK/ rxn)
- PGx Panel (158 drug metabolism SNPs)
Price example: 27 799 SEK/ 64 samples (2,75 SEK/ rxn)
- PGx Express Panel (60 drug metabolism SNPs)
Price example: 28 129 SEK/ 192 samples (2,44 SEK/ rxn)
*The offer is valid until 2015-08-31. Prices based on receiving cDNA/gDNA samples for Customers in Sweden. Discount on cDNA synthesis available for RNA samples, please contact for recommended cDNA synthesis kits and prices.
Get started!
Please contact us with your request: or +46 (0) 31 761 57 00.